Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

MORE Winter Affinity Nights

As we continue our year of intentional connection with the wider community, we are leaning into our South Sound United Methodist Cooperative relationships. In January, Tumwater UMC is hosting Affinity Nights (January 10-31)!

Affinity Nights have become our midweek gathering time, where groups of all kinds gather together for fellowship, learning, fun, and exercise. We have been joined by our friends at Tumwater UMC over the last few months, and we now get to be reciprocally hosted and welcomed, enjoying fellowship in their space. 

This week's offerings (1/24):
Intergenerational Trivia, Arts and Spirituality w/ Cathy Raymond, Signs and Wonders Bible Study w/ Pastor Alexa, Tumwater UMC Choir practice.

Next week (1/31):
Meal Prepping, Youth Activities, Spirituality and the Arts, Signs and Wonders Bible Study, and Tumwater UMC Choir Practice

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