Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

The Great Rummage Sale Treasure Hunt

March 7 and 8 are the dates for United Women in Faith's beyond amazing Rummage Sale. Donations of clothing, home goods, craft supplies, toys, small electrical appliances, books,
games, puzzles, art, hand tools, garden implements, sports equipment are eagerly sought.

Set-up for the sale begins after church on Sunday March 2 and continues throughout the
week ( 9am-3pm). Join us to sort and set up. Lunch will be served to workers during the week and on Rummage Sale days. Questions to Donna Gaddy ( or check in with us at our info table at church on Sundays.

AND! Join us in sorting through the amazing donations to this year's UWF rummage sale
and see if you can find the items that are:

  • Most Beautiful
  • Most Whimsical
  • Most Unique and
  • Most Useful

Just take a quick photo of the item you think fits best in each category while helping
with the Rummage Sale set up (March 2 through 6), send it to our judging team at by 4pm Thursday, March 6. Please include the category you think your item best represents and contact info such as a phone number or email address. One entry per category please. Semi-valuable prizes will be awarded!

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