Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Anti-Racist Film Club This Month

This Sunday, 1/28 @12:30, come watch the original Color Purple film at an in-person screening downstairs in the First UMC Olympia chapel. We'll be watching the film and eating plenty of popcorn together!

This is a PG-13 film. Parents should advise their own judgement.

Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Alice Walker, The Color Purple (1985) is a historical epic that tells the story of Ceile, a poor African-American woman in the early 20th Century South. Over the course of 40 years, Ceile survives abuse and bigotry in search of independence and eventual self-fulfillment.

You can watch a full trailer for the film here:

This Month's ARFC Schedule:
  • Sunday, 1/28 - The Color Purple (1985) screening at FUMCO
  • Thursday, 2/1 - Club discussion over Zoom

If you're interested in either of these events, please RSVP with the link below:

And! Right now, you can listen to a brand new episode of the ARFC Podcast where Lauren sat down with Pastor Kelly from Shelton UMC to discuss this beautiful (and historically controversial) story:

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