Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Baptisms This Sunday

This coming Sunday, March 23rd, we will be baptizing 9 children from our children’s ministry program! These special days are always filled with lots of emotions and joy and I cannot wait to watch the faith of these children grow as they age and become thriving members of society. I ask that over the next few days you take time to pray for these children and the step they are about to take in their faith journey. 

-Parker M
-Kennedy M 
-Charlotte N
-Maximus N 
-Amelia N
-Madison J
-Penelope G 
-Logan M 
-Amelia M

We will also be receiving these children into our community by transfer of membership. They were baptized about 2 years ago at a United Methodist Church in Auburn and we joyfully welcome them as well!

-Brutus D
-Pavlina D

Following the service on Sunday, the entire church is invited for an extended celebration in The Great Hall! Cake, punch, veggies and other yummy snacks will be provided. This is also the time where you can learn more about the kids who are newly baptized and members of our community. Each child will have their own station with pictures and responses to questions about who they are and what they enjoy! If you feel led, please take the time to write these kids a card this weekend to welcome them into our faith community.

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