Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Faith Activity Nutrition

Your Health Ministry Team has launched a new program called Faith, Activity, and
Nutrition (FAN). The mission of this program is to help church members stay spiritually
and physically well. Watch the Courier for a monthly FAN wellness message. If you are
interested in promoting wellness for our congregation, we would love to have you join
the FAN Team. Please contact Julie Vaniman RN, Faith Community Nurse at

Every Journey Starts with the First Step

For many of us, a healthy lifestyle is more of a dream than reality. Sometimes making
changes seems too hard. But the first step toward a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be
big. A first step can be as simple as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or
swapping your daily candy with a piece of fruit. Once you decide to improve your
health, start with something easy. Every change after that will seem easier. Be a FAN
for your health! Small steps can begin today. Click on the links below to get more wellness
information & a healthy recipe.

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