Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Worship Series Available:

Written in the Stars - Advent 

Our recent developments in satellite imagery have expanded our ability to observe and track the movement of stars, galaxies, gas giants, novas, and planets. It’s captivating to see these tools at work and inspiring to the vast nature of our universe. It’s also daunting. What does it mean to be this small part of something bigger? Does any of our research about space matter when our own tiny existence on earth is so busy, fraught, and threatened?

As we look towards another Advent season, we can look to the cosmos to learn something about how Christ is coming to us anew.

Treasures in Clay Jars

Our faith is full of contradictions. We are called to holy work and yet we are fallible human beings.

We carry both death and life in our bodies. In Jesus, we are told we have everything but might also find ourselves with nothing. How do we make sense of these contradictions so that we can live out our faith? Come and join in as we explore what it means to be fully human and called to participate in God’s eternal work. Let us worship the One who places the treasures in our clay jars.

Anti-Racist Film Club

The Anti Racist Film Club podcast is a monthly conversation about films which highlight stories of Black people, Indigenous People or People of Color (BIPOC) in order to grow together in our intercultural competency, awareness of systemic racism, and our role as people of faith in the work of anti racism.

You can host your own Anti-Racist Film Club Discussion with these discussion questions for all the movies we've screened so far!