Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

We Are A Growing Church

You may have noticed: we are a growing church! There continue to be new-to-us neighbors joining in worship and other gatherings, which is a tremendous joy. It also can become frustrating (for everyone!) when pew space wanes, there's no more space to put your nametag on the rack, when we have to park a bit further from the front door, and more. 

One of the first things that Pastor Heather and I learned about this congregation upon our arrival was that 'Radical Hospitality' was a core value of First Olympia. We have a fantastic and serendipitous opportunity to live into that value by making room for those who are braving a new church. Below are a few ways that I invite you to consider making room for our neighbors:

  • When you find a seat in the sanctuary, please consider sitting a bit closer to the front so that those who arrive closer to the start time don't have to wander the sanctuary looking for a spot. And, if you're able, consider sitting closer to the middle of the pew, rather than on the end, so that finding a seat is easier and more accessible for those who arrive after you. 
  • Remember: the sanctuary has a balcony! If you can climb stairs with ease, consider sitting up in the balcony to make room for those who don't yet know about it.
  • Don't panic and offer grace when the staff moves your nametag on the rack a few spots so that we can put name tags in relatively alphabetical order, making room for the new name tags we are making every single week (!) 
  • If you are able to walk with ease, consider parking further away from the entrances to the church, so that people with less mobility, sure-footedness, and visitors can find a parking spot and enter the building without frustration. 
  • Pray for and bless all those who are discerning participation and membership in our church! Making room in our hearts for new people is where hospitality begins. 

Thank you for all the ways you have always welcomed people in and continue to show God's love to all who enter our doors! 

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