Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Children's Ministry

Kaleidoscope Children’s Ministry 

In 2023 Kaleidoscope Children’s Ministry was created to nurture the spiritual lives of children in Olympia and surrounding areas.

It is our understanding that God has called us to be a bright light in our community to allow children to reflect God’s love to an ever changing world. We meet twice a week for Christian education and offer at least 2 outreach events monthly. All of our programming is free and open to our community. We believe that children are created by God and are perfect just the way they are! Kaleidoscope Kids encourages children to express themselves freely and live authentically into the person God has created them to be! Kaleidoscope Kids is designed for children age 0-5th grade.

Family Ministry Fall Schedule

Faith formation and community building events for children: 

Sunday Worship!
We joyfully celebrate that children are in our midst on Sunday mornings! We have a space in the front of the sanctuary known as Wiggle Worship that is just for them! This space is filled with snacks and drinks, coloring sheets, musical instruments and ribbon dancers, baby toys and seats just their size! We believe that giving them a front row seat to everything that is happening in worship allows them to connect with God in a real and tangible way. Our Children’s Pastor and other trained and certified volunteers supervise this space so that grownups are able to worship in their own way without having to keep an eye on their children.

Beginning at 9:30am the nursery is open to children ages 0-3. This space is cleaned and sanitized weekly. We do ask that children and adults remove their shoes before entering the nursery to keep the space clean and sanitary for the littlest among us.

Young disciples are encouraged to participate in worship in lots of unique and creative ways.
-Greeting people outside as they arrive to worship on Sunday
-Lighting the candles at the start of worship
-Reading scripture or other parts of the service
-Serving communion

Kaleidoscope Kids: Education Hour
Halfway through the service, children are invited to clean up their space and make their way to the middle of the sanctuary for a Time With Young Disciples. This time is for those who are young and young at heart (there is not age limit to a young disciple). Following this time, young disciples will exit the sanctuary to go to education hour. Education hour is designed for children in preschool-5th grade.

During their time together they will:
-Hear the scripture read aloud to them
-Pray with and for each other
-Participate in an activity known as “peaks and pits”
-Make a craft or do an activity that connection to the Bible story
-Play together (outside if weather allows)

Kaleidoscope Kids: Wednesday Experience
This is a special weekday gathering for those who are 0-5th grade. This time is especially designed to foster relationships and gives children the opportunity to learn Bible stories in a new way! When they meet together they:
-Play together (outside if weather allows)
-Ear dinner
-Hear a Bible story
-Participate in “peaks and pits”
-Learn about serving others in our community
-Pray with and for each other
Kids’ Night Out:
These events happen the second Saturday of every month from 5:00-7:00pm. Registration is required but always open and free to our community. (These are drop off events, meaning grownups cannot stay unless they have a formal background check and have completed a MinistrySafe training through FUMCOLY). Because of the huge success of these events, we have to have registration to plan for food and volunteers. You can find the registration link each month in our weekly emails or on our social media pages. Kids’ Night out is open to children age 6 months-5th grade.

Community Building Events:
These events happen the fourth Saturday of every month. They are designed for the whole family and registration is not required. Show up all together to participate in an activity that brings people of all ages together! The activity changes monthly; stay up to date with the 3 month activity calendar to find out what the activities will be each month (times also change monthly depending on the activity).

Join other moms in our area the second Monday of every month from 5:30-7:00pm at the church! We will have a meal provided by a member of our congregation and childcare is provided for free to everyone! Children will watch a movie and do a craft that connects with the movie while enjoying dinner with their friends.

As a UMC we offer the sacrament of baptism at all ages (infants, children, teens, adults). If you would like to learn more about baptism please contact Miss Brittney. On the first Sunday of the month we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. We practice an "open table," which means that all people are welcome to come forward to receive the bread (or gf cracker) and grape juice.
Seasonal Traditions!
We love having traditions that we partake in every year together! Some of these traditions we do are:
-Back to school bash
-Trunk or Treat
-Family friendly Christmas Eve service
-Family friendly Easter service
-Summer camp
-Pride weekend in Olympia
And more!

Service Projects!
We believe that it’s important for young disciples to learn early on that serving others is a vital part to their faith. Some of the ways they do this is by:
-Making blankets and scarves for those experiencing homelessness
-Baking cookies for Meals on Wheels
-Making cards for those who are sick
-Sending things like cards and letters to Panorama in Lacey.

Snail Mail!

Each week children receive an envelope in the mail with an activity sheet connected to the Scripture readings we'll hear in worship that Sunday. Whether your family is coming in person, online, or isn't able to make it (because life happens) your child/ren can engage with the Scripture through coloring, word searches and more.

Prayer & Support!
We are here to journey with your family as we all strive to follow Jesus better. Contact Miss Brittney or fill out a prayer request.

Grades 6 & Up: Please see the youth ministries page for more information about middle & high school offerings
Children’s Ministries Volunteers:
If you would like to learn more volunteering with Sunday school please contact Miss Brittney. All volunteers must complete a Background Check Permission Form, successfully pass a background check and attend a Safe Sanctuaries training before they can volunteer in the classroom. Please click here for a complete copy of our Safe Sanctuaries Policy.