Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

FAN Wellness Message

February is American Heart Month!

Whether you start with gardening, walking, or jogging, you are being active and can gain health benefits for your heart. Be active at a level that is possible and enjoyable. After a while you will find that you can do more activity or do without more unhealthy foods.

The FAN (Faith, Action, Nutrition) program encourages you to eat MORE fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods and eat LESS sodium (salt) and fat (especially saturated fat). The healthy Recipe of the Month provides delicious vegetables and is seasoned with herbs and spices with no added salt.

“Dark green” describes vegetables of a deep green color (not iceberg lettuce). The darker color tells us that there are many healthy goodies (vitamins and fiber) inside to help us maintain healthy weight and lower our risk of heart disease and cancer. The healthy recipe this month features kale but if you don’t like kale, you could use another “dark green” such as spinach, arugula, Swiss chard or collard greens.

Think “heart smart” when choosing activity level and food to eat!

Click these links for more info:
How to Manage Blood Pressure
Calendar with 28 Heart Tips
Vegetable Recipe
Cooking in Color Recipes

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