Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Youth Group Silent Auction

Pastors Kellen and Alexa, as overseers of youth ministry this year, are so excited for our youth to connect with other young people across the Greater Northwest Area, and the wise leaders of the Yakama nation through a SLAM Mission Trip this summer! As we prepare for this experience, we need to do some fundraising and practice for the types of work we'll be doing on the trip. So, we are auctioning off 6 work shifts over three days this Spring.

The slots will be 2.5 hours and we'll do two slots each day. The auction will be in the form of a silent auction between our Co-op churches across a number of weeks between the end of January and end of February.

Get to thinking about some spring cleaning projects you'd like to bid for and start bidding competitively on Sunday! 

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