Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

A Message From Interfaith Works

Last week, Interfaith Works' Program Council voted to endorse a statement on the sanctity of our sacred spaces. They have created a letter for members of IFW-associated communities to sign. The letter begins:

"To whom it may concern: All of us—clergy and congregants, guides and those seeking guidance—have created sacred spaces for worship, prayer, meditation, and the practices that awaken, nurture, and sustain our spiritual lives. These spaces go by many names: church, temple, synagogue, mosque, zendo, monastery, meeting house, spiritual community, and more. For centuries, a hallmark of all but the most brutal societies has been the principle that sacred spaces—and those seeking refuge in them—must remain beyond the coercive presence of civil authorities. Even when not explicitly enshrined in law or regulation, this principle has been widely respected, except in the most dire emergencies where immediate threats to life and public safety exist"

You can read ithe full letter and choose to sign here:

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