Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

A Thank You From Madison School

For the past two years, FUMCO has helped fund a Washington Reading Corps position at Madison School. The money we contributed was from our General Budget which means that the dollars put in the offering plate, donated online, or mailed to the church for our general expenses helped make this possible! Lisa Estecourt, Madison School Reading Specialist, shares this thank you:

"I just wanted to thank you and your congregation once again for your support of Madison's reading program by helping fund our Washington Reading Corps positions. So many additional children have been able to get the reading support they need because of your generous donation! In addition, both of our Washington Reading Corps members are now planning to stay at Madison another year while earning their teaching credentials on-line. So, we are adding talented new teachers to the pipeline. And, having these additional staff members has expanded the bandwidth of our reading program, allowing us to put on a Family Literacy Event this year" — Lisa Estecourt

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