Serving, Giving, and Advocating
At First Olympia we value serving with our hands and hearts. And we know that serving the most vulnerable is often best done in community where we can support one another, reflect, and discern how best to go about making the world a better place for all people. Church members volunteer locally with the Thurston County Food Bank, Madison Elementary School, Kiwanis, Safe Place, Youth Community Services, Family Support Services and more. We also participate in Hands-On Missions including include letter writing to our government representatives, sorting for the food bank, building UMCOR kits, preparing meals for local shelters, making cards for our homebound members and more. We also host regular educational opportunities on a variety of social justice topics. Our fundraising and supply-drive efforts for our non-profit partners are overseen by our Missions Team.
To learn how to get connected with other folks to serve in one of these places please contact the church office.
To learn how to get connected with other folks to serve in one of these places please contact the church office.

What's Going on?
Our Local Community!
First Olympia Women in Action
Is a group that focuses their time on service projects that support the mission and work of the church. We only meet when working on service activities, usually evenings or weekends. Activities are still being planned, but include projects that support local non-profit organizations, the Church World Service’s blanket project, meal support, and projects addressing environmental issues.
One Parish, One Prisoner
We partner with Underground Ministries in their One Parish, One Prisoner ministry. We are paired with a person who is being released after a period of incarceration and support them in their reentry into the community through prayer, encouragement, companionship and advocacy as they navigate systems that have likely changed during their incarceration such as getting an ID, health insurance, finding housing and work, etc.
FUMCO Gleaners
We partner with the Kiwanis Community Garden. During the planting and harvest seasons, the FUMCO Gleaners go monthly to the community garden to lend their hands to the important work of growing fresh produce for the Thurston County Food Bank.
Community Kitchen:
We cook and serve at the Community Kitchen (located at the Salvation Army) once a month.
Thurston County Food Bank:
Church members volunteer regularly in all areas of this important organization. Our Missions Team hosts a bi-monthly supply drive in other church support. Click here for more information about the foodbank.
Help Us Move In (HUMI):
HUMI is a local non-profit that had its beginnings right here at First UMC of Olympia. Now a self-governing 501.c.3 non-profit organization, HUMI has a mission of providing housing for housing-insecure families in our community.
Capital Pride:
We annually march in the Olympia Capital Pride parade in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ sisters and brothers. We are also proud to host the Olympia PFLAG chapter monthly in our building.
We also support the following community partners with financial gifts and gifts of our time and talent: Habitat for Humanity, Family Support Center, Interfaith Works Overnight Shelter, Community Youth Services, Pierce County AIDS Foundation, Homes First, and Sidewalk.
Is a group that focuses their time on service projects that support the mission and work of the church. We only meet when working on service activities, usually evenings or weekends. Activities are still being planned, but include projects that support local non-profit organizations, the Church World Service’s blanket project, meal support, and projects addressing environmental issues.
One Parish, One Prisoner
We partner with Underground Ministries in their One Parish, One Prisoner ministry. We are paired with a person who is being released after a period of incarceration and support them in their reentry into the community through prayer, encouragement, companionship and advocacy as they navigate systems that have likely changed during their incarceration such as getting an ID, health insurance, finding housing and work, etc.
FUMCO Gleaners
We partner with the Kiwanis Community Garden. During the planting and harvest seasons, the FUMCO Gleaners go monthly to the community garden to lend their hands to the important work of growing fresh produce for the Thurston County Food Bank.
Community Kitchen:
We cook and serve at the Community Kitchen (located at the Salvation Army) once a month.
Thurston County Food Bank:
Church members volunteer regularly in all areas of this important organization. Our Missions Team hosts a bi-monthly supply drive in other church support. Click here for more information about the foodbank.
Help Us Move In (HUMI):
HUMI is a local non-profit that had its beginnings right here at First UMC of Olympia. Now a self-governing 501.c.3 non-profit organization, HUMI has a mission of providing housing for housing-insecure families in our community.
Capital Pride:
We annually march in the Olympia Capital Pride parade in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ sisters and brothers. We are also proud to host the Olympia PFLAG chapter monthly in our building.
We also support the following community partners with financial gifts and gifts of our time and talent: Habitat for Humanity, Family Support Center, Interfaith Works Overnight Shelter, Community Youth Services, Pierce County AIDS Foundation, Homes First, and Sidewalk.
Our Local Elementary School!
Madison Elementary School:
Each year we fundraise to cover 100% of the school supplies for our adopted grade. From 2015-2021 we supported the a kindergarten - 5th grade cohort. After those children graduated from Madison we adopted a new kindergarten class and will purchase their school supplies through their 5th grade graduation. We also support the Madison Gift Card Tree during the winter, volunteer in the Reading Buddies program and more. We are proud of our long standing relationship with Madison Elementary!
Each year we fundraise to cover 100% of the school supplies for our adopted grade. From 2015-2021 we supported the a kindergarten - 5th grade cohort. After those children graduated from Madison we adopted a new kindergarten class and will purchase their school supplies through their 5th grade graduation. We also support the Madison Gift Card Tree during the winter, volunteer in the Reading Buddies program and more. We are proud of our long standing relationship with Madison Elementary!
Statewide, National, and Global Communities!
We support our denomination’s outreach for the emergency needs of our national and global community.
United Methodist Committee on Relief:
We participate in One Great Hour of Sharing (a UMC commitment to raise funds for UMCOR’s operating costs so 100% of donations can be used to direclty impact those affected by disasters) and we regularly gather to put together UMCOR kits.
Faith Action Network (FAN):
We hold membership in this ecumenical group that advocates politically for justice.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services is our community partner for our Refugee Ministry.
United Methodist Committee on Relief:
We participate in One Great Hour of Sharing (a UMC commitment to raise funds for UMCOR’s operating costs so 100% of donations can be used to direclty impact those affected by disasters) and we regularly gather to put together UMCOR kits.
Faith Action Network (FAN):
We hold membership in this ecumenical group that advocates politically for justice.
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services is our community partner for our Refugee Ministry.
United Methodist Missions!
We join other congregations to provide salary and monetary support to UM missionaries. We curently support Katherine Parker in Nepal and the Rev. Lyda Pierce, Hispanic Ministry, in our own Annual Conference.
We also monetarily support a wide variety of other UM missions including:
We also monetarily support a wide variety of other UM missions including:
- Black colleges
- Africa University
- Jamaa Letu Orphanage
- Native American, College students, AIDS, and other ministries.