Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Chocolate Easter Egg Fundraiser

It's time again for the UWIF Easter Egg Sale! Orders will be taken starting March 9 th until April 6th for your whole personalized Solid Fudge Easter Egg ($6.00) or half egg ($5.00).

Delivery date is Sunday, April 13th.

You can email Carol Gruen at or call 360-352- 9703 and leave your order on her phone but be sure to spell names and give color choice and size and your name and phone number. Or you can pick up an order form in the office, or on Sunday morning in the narthex.

Anyone interested in helping with this tasty fund raiser—call Carol Gruen at 352-9703 or you can e-mail your request to All proceeds go for United Women In Faith mission projects.

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