Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

How We Lear To Be Brave

Each time there is an inauguration of a new president, the National Cathedral (Episcopalian Church in DC) holds an interfaith service that the incoming president attends.

This year was no different. The presiding bishop, Rev. Mariann Budde, proclaimed the gospel, and ended her sermon with a direct plea to Donald Trump to be merciful to LGBTQ+ people and migrant communities. In retribution, Bishop Budde was denigrated. Trump called her tone "nasty" and her request for mercy as "ungracious." Hate mail poured into the Episcopal office, and Bishop Budde found herself in the national spotlight, proclaiming her faith convictions with boldness. Many people wrote her letters in support, and many others purchased her book. We celebrate her bravery, and hope to learn from her courage in the days ahead.

Two copies of her book, "How We Learn to be Brave" are now in the church library for checkout! I hope you'll read it. — Pastor Alexa

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