Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Health Ministry "FAN" Message

Do you like chicken salad sandwiches? This month’s FAN Wellness Message includes
a recipe for an easy, healthy version of classic chicken salad. Give it a try and let us
know what you think. We will welcome your feedback at the BP screening table on April

Healthy eating and your heart: Eat less fat… especially saturated fat, which comes
from animal products like meat, lard, and dairy. These foods are not bad for us in
moderation. Choose lean cuts of meat and cut off extra fat and skin before cooking.
Dairy is also very good for us, but most bodies do not need the extra fat that regular
dairy brings. Choose milk, cheese, and even ice cream made with less fat. These
products say, “reduced fat” or “made with 2% milk,” (instead of whole milk). You can
have “the real thing” with less fat and calories. Think heart smart!

Physical activity and your heart: Being active is beneficial for your blood pressure,
blood glucose (sugar), blood lipids (cholesterol), and the health of your blood vessels!
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each week or 30
minutes 5 times/week. This could be simply doing more of something you already love.
Gardening, biking, walking, & dancing count!

Think “heart smart” when choosing activity level and food to eat!

Click these links to learn more:
Healthy Heart Tips
Heart Disease and Stroke Information
Chicken Salad Recipe

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