Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Scarf Bombing Call For Help

Our scarf bombing ministry needs your help. We are giving away between 12 and 15 scarves each week. That’s over 150 scarves already this year!

And our stock is nearly gone. If you knit or crochet, grab some yarn and make a scarf (or ten) and drop them off in the church office. If you’re not a needleworker, buy some fleece and cut it into strips. There’s a pattern here ( if you need one.

The coldest days of winter are yet to come and we want to have enough scarves to get folks through the winter. This ministry has blessed so many people, both houseless and those who are simply cold. It is a joy to see the scarves walk away around a chilly neck, knowing that “just as you did it for one of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it for me.”(Matthew 25:40)

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