Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Interfaith Works Gift Basket

Please help us fill an auction gift basket For Interfaith Works 50th Anniversary party. FUMCO’s Basket Theme Is “It’s For The Birds”

Bring your donations to the church office. Suggested items include: bird books, bird seed and feeders, Hummingbird feeders and warmers, bird houses, aprons, hot pads and place mats made with bird fabric, coffee cups with bird pictures, bird yard signs, bird note cards, bird playing cards, bird flags, and bird puzzles.

And consider attending Interfaith Works’ Saturday, September 21st 50th Anniversary Party being held from 4-7pm at The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepard. Hord’oeuvres, desserts and drinks will be served. The 50th Anniversary celebration is an opportunity for people to come together to learn about the history and evolution of Interfaith Works over time through interactive, multimedia presentations. Significant growth has happened in the last 10 years. IFW now serves people in three different locations and has a staff team of 85. The money raised at this event will support both Interfaith Relations and Homeless Services work in our community.

Tickets are now available at under Events.

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