Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

We Need Pride Volunteers

Do you want to show your pride at the Capital City Pride Festival this year? First Olympia has a booth in the festival that needs volunteers to help run it! We'll be making crafts, handing out stickers, and having a blast. If you ask us, this is a great way to connect with God, each other, and the wider community.

If you want to take part in this vibrant event, please sign up for a 2-hour shift (or multiple shifts if you feel moved to do so) using the following link and/or let Savannah know you're coming:

And the next day, this year's Pride Parade is on Sunday June 30th at 10am! We are still holding a service, but we have also signed up to walk in the parade! That means that you can choose to worship in the Sanctuary or on the parade route.

If you would like to march in the parade, please fill out this online waiver and email Savannah at to let her know you're coming. We also have hard copies of the waiver in the front office.

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