Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Family Ministries Update from Miss Brittney

There’s something so sacred about seeing church through the eyes of young people. They pick up on things that grownups tend to miss and those things become central to their narrative about church. Last Sunday, several of our young people experienced communion for the first time. They had a front row seat to one of the central parts of our Christian faith and soaked in every second of it.

My philosophy of children’s ministry is to let them experience it all so when they are older, they have a solid foundation that holds their big questions and struggles that come with getting older. From lighting prayer candles to receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday, they are learning the fundamentals of why we do the things we do as a church.

As we walked back to the classroom after communion one of our young disciples said, “Miss Brittney, I’ve never seen communion happen before. The pastors acted out the last supper just like we did when we learned about it during Lent. Do they act out all the stories like we do?”

It was in that moment that I fell in love with my job and calling all over again. What a gift it is to share the stories and practices of our Christian faith with the youngest among us!

You all also play a part in their formation and understanding of who God is and what church is all about. Each time you celebrate their presence in worship, greet them with a smile, allow them to experience prayer practices, rejoice at the sight of ribbon dancers and welcome them in to the mystery of faith you are helping to build the foundation that their faith will sit on for the rest of their lives! 

Thank you for letting them be a part of all of the parts of worship. Your patience and celebration is so appreciated as they figure out what this all means and how it applies to their lives now and forever. 

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