Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Anti-Racist Film Club - March Events

Hello folks! The March selection for ARFC is the Disney animated film Lilo & Stitch (2002).

Struggling with the death of their parents and visits from a hostile social worker, two sisters from Hawaii adopt a dog from their local animal shelter. The only problem... he's actually an illegal genetic experiment who crash-landed on earth. Together, they'll bond over themes of alienation and the power of found-family. Click this link to watch a full trailer.

This film is a PG Disney film. It should be suitable for all ages.

We'll be showing the movie downstairs in the First United Methodist Church of Olympia chapel THIS Sunday, 3/3 @12:30pm. There will be popcorn!

Our discussion will be held Thursday, 3/7 @7pm over Zoom.

If you're interested in either of these events, please RSVP here:

Our full March Schedule looks like this:
  • Sunday, 3/3 @12:30pm - Lilo & Stitch (2002) screening at FUMCO
  • Thursday, 3/7 @ 7:00PM - Zoom film discussion

Can't wait? Check out the newest episode of the ARFC Podcast right now! I very thoroughly enjoyed discussing this film with Pastor Alexa. Click here to listen in.

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