Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Refugee Christmas Support

From our partnering organization, World Relief:

"I hope your Advent season has been full of wonder so far! All of World Relief’s refugee families wrote down their Christmas wish lists at the Thanksgiving dinner held for them, and originally we had enough community groups and families “adopting” all those lists. Unfortunately, two of the donor families ran into financial and health struggles that is barring them from providing most of the items on the lists they claimed. Would it be possible for First United Methodist to fill in the gaps?"

If you are someone who is able and willing to fill in the gaps for refugees recently settled in our community, please give at and select 'Refugee Ministry' from the drop down menu, or send a check to the church with 'Refugee Ministry' in the memo line.

Thank you for helping to keep the Christmas Spirit alive for refugee families this Christmas! 

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