Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Anti-Racist Film Club - November 2023

Hi folks! This time of year (and particularly mid-November) is a time many of us think about eating. The connections between food, tradition, and culture are deep and hold a lot of complex history — especially through the lens of anti-racism.

This month, we'll be discussing an episode of the Netflix documentary series: High on the Hog (2021) which is all about tracing the foodways of African-American cuisine and how it has shaped our collective history in ways mainstream culture tends to forget (or outright erase). As a club, we'll be focusing on episode three: "Our Founding Chefs" but you're absolutely welcome to watch the whole four part series. Each episode is about an hour long and focuses on a different foodway. Click here to watch a full trailer.

Our "November" Schedule is a little strange. But it looks like this:
  • Wednesday, 10/25* @7pm - In-person screening at Affinity Nights
*Note the date is October 25 (and on a Wednesday)
  • Thursday, 11/2 @7pm - Film Discussion over Zoom

If you're planning to attend either of these events, please fill out this RSVP form to let us know you're coming:

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