Your Church Staff: Pastors
One of the questions I am asked most frequently is: who can help me with….? Such a reasonable question as we have had so much change over the eighteen months in our staff here at FUMCO. Another question that I have been asked from the moment I became a pastor: What do you do during the week when worship is only on Sundays? Well… all kinds of things!
I’ll answer both questions in this article but let’s start with the staff. FUMCO has the most amazing staff ever so the answer to “who can help me with…?” is really almost anyone on staff! If one person doesn’t have the answer they will make sure to get an answer for you. But we do each have roles in the running of the church.
Today I want to highlight the roles of the pastors. In the next article, I will highlight the roles of our staff members. The pastors keep some regular office hours which are listed below. We also work from home one day a week which allows each of us quiet time to accomplish important tasks that are difficult to do with interruptions. I wrote almost the entire 2023 budget at home because I could lose myself in the spreadsheet and numbers. We also work random hours in order to attend church ministries, officiate at funerals and weddings, visit people, and attend Conference events. The office hours listed below give a general idea of when you might find us in the office but we are around a lot more than that!
Pastor Heather: Plans worship, preaches, pastoral care, leads classes, community outreach, pastoral liaison to church committees such as Finance, Trustees, Endowment, SPRC, and Church Council, supervises staff positions such as Office Manager, Bookkeeper, Facilities Coordinator, Interim Director of Children’s Ministries, Building Manager, and Custodian. I also work on building community partnerships, planning ministries at the church, implementing policy, visioning, and stewarding church resources through budget planning, endowment oversight, and long-term strategizing. I work toward effective structures at the church that facilitate meaningful ministry and impact on the larger community. I am the pastoral liaison to our OPOP Team. Along with Pastor Alexa, I do leadership development and I lead the Nominations efforts of the church. If you are interested in serving on a church committee let me know! I also coordinate new members, so if you want to join the church please reach out to me!
General Office Hours: Sundays 8:00-12:30; Mondays 10:00-2:00, Tuesday 6:00-8:30 pm Wednesday 10:00-2:00 & 5:30-8:30, Thursdays 10:00-2:00. I am always available outside of these hours. Feel free to call and set up a time to connect!
Pastor Alexa: Plans worship, preaches, pastoral care, teaches classes, community outreach, and pastoral liaison to Discipleship, Communications, SPRC, and Church Council. Pastor Alexa supervises the Multi-Media Director, our musicians, and young adult interns. She is our church liaison to Reconciling Ministries and works to develop community partnerships. She does community outreach and works on the planning of Affinity Nights. She is our Breeze database expert and works with our tech team to problem solve and look towards future tech needs. In addition to overseeing our musicians she provides vision and direction to our music ministries. She works with Pastor Heather on vision, policy, and long-term planning for the church. She is a part of a three-year program to develop young adult ministries and faithful community presence at our church. Pastor Alexa is the pastoral liaison to the Refugee Ministries and develops original sermon series and worship content.
General Office Hours: Sunday 8:00-12:30; Monday 10:00-2:00; Tuesday 10:00-2:00, Wednesday 10:00-2:00 & 5:30-8:30 Thursday 5:00-8:00 pm. Pastor Alexa is always available outside of these hours. Feel free to call her and set up a time to connect!
Want to know more about what your pastors do? Want to get to know us better and connect with us? Both of us would be delighted to get coffee with you, have dinner at your house, or schedule a time for an office visit. Please reach out to us!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Heather
I’ll answer both questions in this article but let’s start with the staff. FUMCO has the most amazing staff ever so the answer to “who can help me with…?” is really almost anyone on staff! If one person doesn’t have the answer they will make sure to get an answer for you. But we do each have roles in the running of the church.
Today I want to highlight the roles of the pastors. In the next article, I will highlight the roles of our staff members. The pastors keep some regular office hours which are listed below. We also work from home one day a week which allows each of us quiet time to accomplish important tasks that are difficult to do with interruptions. I wrote almost the entire 2023 budget at home because I could lose myself in the spreadsheet and numbers. We also work random hours in order to attend church ministries, officiate at funerals and weddings, visit people, and attend Conference events. The office hours listed below give a general idea of when you might find us in the office but we are around a lot more than that!
Pastor Heather: Plans worship, preaches, pastoral care, leads classes, community outreach, pastoral liaison to church committees such as Finance, Trustees, Endowment, SPRC, and Church Council, supervises staff positions such as Office Manager, Bookkeeper, Facilities Coordinator, Interim Director of Children’s Ministries, Building Manager, and Custodian. I also work on building community partnerships, planning ministries at the church, implementing policy, visioning, and stewarding church resources through budget planning, endowment oversight, and long-term strategizing. I work toward effective structures at the church that facilitate meaningful ministry and impact on the larger community. I am the pastoral liaison to our OPOP Team. Along with Pastor Alexa, I do leadership development and I lead the Nominations efforts of the church. If you are interested in serving on a church committee let me know! I also coordinate new members, so if you want to join the church please reach out to me!
General Office Hours: Sundays 8:00-12:30; Mondays 10:00-2:00, Tuesday 6:00-8:30 pm Wednesday 10:00-2:00 & 5:30-8:30, Thursdays 10:00-2:00. I am always available outside of these hours. Feel free to call and set up a time to connect!
Pastor Alexa: Plans worship, preaches, pastoral care, teaches classes, community outreach, and pastoral liaison to Discipleship, Communications, SPRC, and Church Council. Pastor Alexa supervises the Multi-Media Director, our musicians, and young adult interns. She is our church liaison to Reconciling Ministries and works to develop community partnerships. She does community outreach and works on the planning of Affinity Nights. She is our Breeze database expert and works with our tech team to problem solve and look towards future tech needs. In addition to overseeing our musicians she provides vision and direction to our music ministries. She works with Pastor Heather on vision, policy, and long-term planning for the church. She is a part of a three-year program to develop young adult ministries and faithful community presence at our church. Pastor Alexa is the pastoral liaison to the Refugee Ministries and develops original sermon series and worship content.
General Office Hours: Sunday 8:00-12:30; Monday 10:00-2:00; Tuesday 10:00-2:00, Wednesday 10:00-2:00 & 5:30-8:30 Thursday 5:00-8:00 pm. Pastor Alexa is always available outside of these hours. Feel free to call her and set up a time to connect!
Want to know more about what your pastors do? Want to get to know us better and connect with us? Both of us would be delighted to get coffee with you, have dinner at your house, or schedule a time for an office visit. Please reach out to us!
Grace and peace,
Pastor Heather
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