Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

FUMCO Family Ministry Update

It’s hard to believe that I have already been here a month as the interim director of children’s ministry! In the few weeks we have spent together, we have already done some pretty amazing things for our community. We blessed backpacks, handed out breakfast and cupcakes to the students of Madison on the first day of school, spruced up the nursery, began a group for moms, started a new Wednesday evening children’s ministry program and began planning for the fall with several large events on the horizon! There is so much happening for the young people in our community and it’s all based at FUMCO; what a gift we have to offer our community!

One thing that I know for sure is that ministry to young disciples does not have a formula that works in every context. It’s an evolving system that takes time, attention, care and commitment from the church as a whole to make something meaningful and life changing.  Over the past few weeks I have met so many of you who care about the young disciples of our congregation and feel called to help grow this ministry and its presence in our community. This is so deeply encouraging and motivating to myself and the rest of the staff to see the energy and excitement around doing new and exciting things for the young disciples in our midst. 

I would love to spend time getting to know more of you and hearing your heart for children’s ministry and why you find it to be so valuable. Over the next few weeks, I will be organizing a team of people to dream big about the future and the calling that God is giving us as a church to go beyond the normal Sunday morning routine to reach the children within our community who are longing for a place to belong, a community to call home, a warm meal for their bellies and a relationship with Jesus that will be with them the rest of their lives. If you feel like this is something you are feeling called to be a part of, please do not hesitate to reach out. I would love to chat about my ideas and dreams and hear from all of you what you are thinking. I can be reached at I look forward to hearing from you!

— Brittney Gilleland, Interim Director of Children's Ministry

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