Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

A Message about Church Directories

We are aware that there are a few folks who were missed and not included in the recently published directory. This was not purposeful exclusion, and we sincerely apologize to anyone who was missed. Despite offering several in-person opportunities for directory photos to be taken, inviting folks to submit updated contact information repeatedly and consistently via The Courier and worship announcements, generating lists from our database of everyone who had attended worship or other church events more than once in the preceding months, and having several people proofread the directory, there were a handful of people who were missed. We apologize. 

The church directory is, and always will be, a living document, which can be added to and altered over time. For those who have noticed you were not included, please kindly contact the church office to let us know. We will begin generating an additional page of the directory with those not included in the original, including new folks who will join us in the weeks and months to come. 

I want to express my gratitude for the challenging and beautiful work that Lauren, in particular, offered to this project. I can personally attest to the detail-oriented, logistical, and creative nature of this project, and Lauren rose to meet the challenge at every step. 

Moreover, I want to invite each of you to more diligently check in for in-person & online worship, and keep your contact information up to date with the church office so that our staff can serve this community to the full extent of their capabilities and giftedness. We will do our very best to communicate clearly and consistently, and we invite you to respond to those communications so that we can be sure to include you in each and every future project. 

Inclusion is of utmost importance to us, and we need your help in living that out to its full extent! Thank you in advance for offering us the benefit of the doubt, your support, and responsiveness to future communications.

Pastor Alexa

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