Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Are You Ready For Holy Week?

Next week is Holy Week!

One of my (Pastor Alexa's) favorite church memories is when my friends and I decided to go to every church event during holy week, seeing Jesus and the disciples through the events of Jesus' last days. It was meaningful because we did it together, and because getting the whole story helped us see things we hadn't noticed before, and enter into the story more deeply. If you miss the second act of a play, you may not get what the fourth act is all about! So, you are invited to enter the story with us! 

Palm Sunday: Sunday, April 2 10AM Worship
- including a palm processional, shouts of loud hosannas, and a preview of the rest of the holy week story. 

Wednesday Midweek Potluck & Worship 
- Potluck at 6pm
-Worship at 7pm: Questions in the Face of Scandal. 
- The Wednesday of Holy Week is called 'Spy Wednesday,' and we focus on Judas' betrayal of Jesus. We will look at this scripture focusing on the questions in the story, and asking our own questions! 

Maundy Thursday at Tumwater UMC - 6pm w/ meal
- Join us over in Tumwater to observe a contemplative Maundy Thursday with other churches in the South Sound co-op at Tumwater United Methodist Church. We'll begin worship at 6pm.

Good Friday at Lacey UMC - noon
Good Friday at First Olympia - 7pm
- This service will be what is called 'tenebrae,' a reverse advent. In advent, we light the candles each week, celebrating the coming of light. In this service, we will extinguish candles through the service, anticipating the light going out of the world in the crucifixion of Jesus. We will tell the story of Jesus' suffering and death, and sing simple songs together. Additionally, we will hear an anthem from the Common Ground choir, and a featured song by Mark Bunda. 

Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil 
-On Holy Saturday, we remember the time between Jesus' death and resurrection; the time in which Jesus was dead and buried. After we remember Judas' betrayal of Jesus on Wednesday during Midweek Worship, and the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday, we invite you sign up to hold vigil for one hour for 'Holy Saturday,' in recognition and honor of the very real grief and loss of the first disciples. You are invited to sign up to hold vigil for one hour on the Portico (front entrance) at the church, around a propane fire between 10am on Saturday, April 8th and 10am on Sunday, April 9th. Two people can sign up for each hour (though there can be more than that, if you want to bring a friend or family member with you). People from other cooperative churches will be holding vigil at their church sites as well, and together, in body and in spirit, we will hold vigil until we enter into Easter worship, shouting Alleluia! Christ is Risen! 

- Sign up here:

Easter Sunday - 10am worship at First Olympia
- celebrate Christ's resurrection with Hallelujahs!

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