Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Sign Up for the Easter Vigil

On Holy Saturday, we remember the time between Jesus' death and resurrection; the time in which Jesus was dead and buried. It is tempting to skip from Palm Sunday, where we shout hosanna in welcome of our messiah-king, to Easter, where we shout Alleluia in celebration of Christ's resurrection. But, between Palm Sunday and Easter, a whole host of events take place for Jesus, and for us as his disciples. 

After we remember Judas' betrayal of Jesus on Wednesday during Midweek Worship, and the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday, we invite you sign up to hold vigil for one hour for 'Holy Saturday,' in recognition and honor of the very real grief and loss of the day in which Jesus was dead and buried. 

We know now that Jesus was ultimately resurrected and ascended to God, but the first disciples did not have that foreknowledge. On Holy Saturday, we enter into the experience of the first disciples, imagining and empathizing with their grief at the loss of their friend and teacher, and the existential grief at the state of the world: that we would crucify the messiah. 

You are invited to sign up to hold vigil for one hour on the Portico (front entrance) at the church, around a propane fire between 10am on Saturday, April 8th and 10am on Sunday, April 9th. Two people can sign up for each hour (though there can be more than that, if you want to bring a friend or family member with you). People from other cooperative churches will be holding vigil at their church sites as well, and together, in body and in spirit, we will hold vigil until we enter into Easter worship, shouting Alleluia! Christ is Risen! 

Please sign up with this link:
If you have any questions, please ask Pastor Alexa

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