Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Send Us Your Questions...

"At some point in every Christian’s life, they discover a question. You know the kind.

What really happens when we die?

Or Why does this terrible stuff happen to people who do their best to follow God?

Or How could God forgive me after what I’ve done?

Or How do I know what God wants me to do next?

You know. That kind of question.

In my experience, people often feel isolated when they discover that type of question, as if they are the only ones asking it. For whatever reason, questions like this often feel like obstacles to our faith. They may feel forbidden, out-of-bounds.

But what if faith requires us to ask questions? What if questions are an essential part of our personal faith? What if we need questions to survive and grow as a community of faith?"

What are your questions? Send in your faith questions to Pastor Alexa and look for them on the narthex bulletin board through Lent! May our asking help us grow.

*Adapted from ask series introduction*

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