Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

A COVID-19 Update

Dear Friends,
Over the last ten days we have become aware of quite a few COVID cases in the congregation. As a precaution, we are asking everyone to mask for in-person worship this coming Sunday December 11. We will continue to evaluate the situation and update masking requirements based on the circumstances. We are also taking this precaution in acknowledgement that our local hospitals are dealing with the triple burden of COVID, RSV, and influenza. If we can do our part to minimize disease transmission it is good for our whole community.
We recognize that masking is a burden for some people. As always, if you have a health reason that prevents mask wearing, you are welcome in worship mask-free. And, we offer our worship on Livestream each week so you can join us from the comfort of your home if that is a better option for you.
Finally, a reminder that we ask you to self-screen for COVID symptoms. If you have a positive COVID test, or have symptoms of COVID, we ask that you join us in worship on our Livestream.  
Grace and peace,
Pastor Heather

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