Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

New Worship Series: Faces of Our Faith

Our new pastors, Heather and Alexa, have selected their sermon series for the summer/fall: Faces of Faith, which will begin July 10. Each week in worship we'll be discovering some lesser-known but still important people in the Bible. To support your spiritual growth, we are also offering three ways to go deeper: a study journal for personal use (contact Angelina for a PDF or print version), a pre-worship individual devotional practice, and a post-service group devotional practice. The devotional practice we'll be exploring this summer is Visio Divina, a practice whereby a person or group reflects on scripture and art together in a prayerful manner. You'll even have the opportunity to make some art of your own! We look forward to sharing art and spiritual growth with you this summer.

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