Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Anti-Racist Film Club This Month

Hello folks, happy August! Our film selection for the Anti-Racist Film Club this month is 42 (2013).

42 is the inspirational true story of Jackie Robinson—the first African American to ever play on a Major League baseball team. Facing harsh discrimination from fellow players, press, and the public for breaking the baseball "color barrier" Robinson proves himself as an American icon and one of the best athletes to ever play the game.

This is a pg-13 film with heavy use of racial slurs and other minor profanity.

We'll be showing the movie at First Olympia UMC in Room #222 this Sunday, 8/11 @12:30pm. There will be a light lunch provided before/during the screening. Our discussion will be held the next day on Monday, 8/12 @7pm over Zoom.

If you're interested in either of these events, please RSVP here:

Can't wait until that long? Check out the newest ARFC podcast! This month, Lauren sat down with Pastor Kelly to discuss 42, segregation, the color of greed, racial slurs, hate mail, and the exceptional life of Jackie Robinson.

Listen and subscribe right here:

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