Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Summer Break Fast Club Needs Volunteers

The Endowment Committee has approved funding for a Summer Breakfast Club for Madison School families! During the summer months families might not have access to resources that are provided during the schoolyear, so FUMCO will offer breakfast to these families in the Great Hall on Sunday mornings from 8:30-9:30am, June 23-August 25.

Kim Fuchs and Peggy Rule are co-facilitating the program, and they are looking for volunteers to help with set-up, serving, meal prep, and clean-up. Please visit their Sign-Up page for more details about how you can be part of an Anchor Team or a Crew Team this summer:
See Peggy at the information table in the Narthex after church on June 2. You may sign up at that time, ask your questions, or hear more about the program. Thank you for considering this opportunity to support our neighbors, build community, and nourish them!

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