Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Join Us in Pilgrimage

In June, we are taking up the practice of pilgrimage, in order to become better, more connected neighbors in the places we worship! You are invited to walk the Co-Op with us!

Each pilgrimage will be different, focusing on different things. Additionally, the St. Andrews (Lacey) pilgrimage will be a driving pilgrimage, for those unable to walk very far. Each pilgrimage will be an hour (or less!) long, including stops at 'holy sites' in our neighborhoods. Then, we will gather after our pilgrimage to feast together, hear from a community liaison, and gather our observations.

Pastor Alexa is facilitating these pilgrimages as an invitation into a spiritual practice that she finds deeply transformational! The meals and other supports are funded by a grant from the Polaris Young Adult Leadership Network at Princeton Seminary. We hope you'll join us!
Sign up for In-Person Pilgrimages here:

And everyone, whether or not you're joining the in-person pilgrimages, is invited to participate (and contribute their steps) to a virtual pilgrimage! Adding up all of our steps together over the course of 30 days, we hope to walk just over 1,000 miles!

Download the app here (you'll want to click this link on your smartphone):

If you do not have a smartphone, which will count your steps for you, or if you have trouble with the technology, please count your steps anyway (with a pedometer!) and share them with the front office each Sunday! We will manually add your steps to the virtual pilgrimage. If you need a pedometer, we've purchased a few that will be available in the church office starting on Sunday. 

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