Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Interfaith Works Summer Camp

Looking for something fun to do this Summer? Mark your calendars now.

From July 22-26, kids in grades 2-6 are invited to enjoy a free interfaith Summer day camp experience each day from 9am-3pm. Each day will feature excursions to local parks and interfaith programming from volunteers in the Interfaith Works member network. Kids will also be given a t-shirt to tie-dye! Camp is free, but donations are warmly accepted. For more information, contact Amy Cooper (

Registration is required and opens on July 18, 2024.

And! If you're an adult and interested in volunteering your time to make this a special experience, consider signing up to showcase content from your faith tradition. This might look like leading story time, singing hymns or songs, a puppet show, a tour of our building, or some fun arts & crafts. Have an idea? Please reach out to Amy Cooper.

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