Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Exciting News From Madison

Last month, a Seattle TV news broadcast highlighted the story of how many school families just miss the income cutoff for free or reduced-cost student lunches, and end up having overdue child school lunch bills. The story highlighted how one person stepped up and paid off the outstanding lunch debt at nearby schools.

Madison Elementary School, across the street from our Church, has more than 200 students with about one-third coming from low-income families. After reaching out to the school, we found out that there were more than 40 families that had overdue lunch bills, totaling $1,261. In all likelihood, the school lunch bills were not the only overdue bills that these families were facing. We heard the heartbreaking story of how one Madison 4th grade student refused to eat lunch because of the financial hardship that the $3.25 lunch
would put on the family.

Upon hearing of this need right here in our neighborhood, one of our Church members wrote a short grant request and submitted it to FUMCO’s Endowment Committee for consideration. The grant request was approved – for the full $1,261 -- completely wiping out the outstanding lunch bills owed by the 40 families!

Through Jesus’ words, FUMCO’s vision, and the mission statement of the larger UMC, we are guided to help our neighbors, wherever they live. FUMCO continues to be a positive presence -- and is truly making a difference in our local community and beyond!

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