Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Stewardship Thank You

Thank you, Church, for your faithful response to our 2024 Walking in Faith Stewardship Campaign. Your pledged commitments for 2024, your generosity and faith, allow this church to be the presence of God’s love and redemption in this neighborhood, community, and the world. This church is a beacon of hope and a light in the world as we proclaim that ALL people are loved by God and that God is at work in the world to bring peace, justice, and reconciliation.

Our theme verse for our series was Micah 6:8 which says, “what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness  and to walk humbly with your God?” As a church we do this everyday in a variety of ways. We serve meals almost every Wednesday and invite people to table fellowship. We support Madison School through our donation of funds for school supplies, funding for a reading specialist, and holiday donations. We sponsor a refugee family, and partner with people releasing from prison. We financially support community organizations such as Interfaith Works Overnight Shelter, Community Youth Services, and Family Support Center. We send money to our larger denomination which funds the administration of the United Methodist Committee on Relief so that every dollar they collect through fundraising goes directly to disaster relief. We care for orphans in Democratic Republic of Congo and we help feed people right here in Olympia. We show up at Pride to declare that we believe in God’s love for ALL people. 

Each dollar that you commit to this church is used towards God’s work in the world. I offer deep gratitude and thanks for each of you and your support of this church. But my thanks pale in comparison to the gratitude that we receive regularly from our larger community. We receive thank you letters, testimonials, stories, and appreciation for the generosity of this church and the impact it has on people’s lives. You, each of you, make a real difference to the community. And together, as a church, our impact is multiplied!

It is not too late to turn in a pledge card if you haven’t already. You can click the link below and fill out a card electronically. Or, you can pick up a physical card at the church office to complete. Either way, thank you! You are a blessing to this church, the neighborhood, the community and the world!

Pastor Heather

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