Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Turn in Your Pledge Cards

Friends, it is Stewardship Season at the church. This is the time of year we consider how God is calling us to share our gifts with the church and larger community. Many of you received a pledge card in the mail or last week at church. We will have more available at church on Sunday. We ask that you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to give to the church in 2024.  

Even if you don’t fill out a pledge card, you can always give. But a pledge card helps the Finance Committee create the 2024 budget and plan for how the church can give back to the community. Our church budget includes line items to donate to Madison School, Community Youth Services, Interfaith Works Overnight Shelter, and Family SUpport Services just to name a few. The budget also funds our staff, our ministries, our livestream worship, and our Sunday Services. Pledge cards help us plan for all of our ministries in the coming year. We will be receiving pledge cards this Sunday in worship and praying a blessing over them. If you are unable to bring your card this Sunday, you can always mail them to the church or drop them off anytime. 

Your generosity is what makes this church such an important part of the Olympia Community.  You are generous with your time, your money, your prayer, and your love.  I am grateful for each and everyone of you and the gifts you share!

Grace and peace,
Pastor Heather

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