Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Help Us Move In | 23 Years


Before we celebrate, we need to look to where we need to go! Childhood homelessness in Thurston County is estimated to be over 3500 children. In Washington State an average of 2 children in every classroom are homeless and the situation is getting worse.

In September 2000, as a part of the stewardship drive First United Methodist Church of Olympia started the Homeless Children Ministry. This was a project that would provide funds to Family Support Center to assist families manage their finances, but needed a jump start financially to get into a home of their own. Leah Wells and I visited Madison Elementary School and the Salvation Army to discuss how to help homeless families and children. We hoped to raise $3,500 and the church donated $11,000. Danelle Johnson Bristow, a sophomore high school student, provided benefit concerts funding the program over the next few years.

In 2011, the children of the Welcome Room, as part of an art auction fund raiser, renamed the program “Help Us Move In”. According to the students, “The phrase ‘homeless children’ described helplessness, instead of hopefulness. ‘Help Us Move In’ means we are moving, won’t you help?” There are two phrases that express the essence of this endeavor: a “hand up, not a handout” and more importantly, a goal of “homeless no more.”

In the intervening years, Leah and congregation continued to support HUMI with benefit concerts and other fund raiser activities. This small project has become a 501(c)3 non-profit, independent of the church, helped over 6,000 Thurston County children to be HOMELESS NO MORE, provided matching grants to Thurston County service providers including Family Support Center, North Thurston Ed. Foundation, Family Education Support Services, Together, ROOF, Children and Youth Services, Olympia Ed. Foundation, and instituted a national program independent of Thurston County.

In 2018, my sister, Ann Sarver Merritt donated $1.2 million dollars to Help Us Move In to participate in the financing of Merritt Manor, an 84-unit affordable housing complex on Martin Way. Using the income from this investment, HUMI challenges the people of Thurston County to match $60,000/ yr. to help over 800 children each year escape homelessness!

The future of Help Us Move In for Thurston County is dependent on the community stepping forward to continue the work that this church started 23 years ago. There is a plaque in the church library which recognizes the major donors to Help Us Move In. For the second half of this year – 2023, donations from Puget Sound Energy Foundation and others have provided funds that will help over 400 children to become homeless no more. A $75 donation, when matched, will provide a home for a child.

Life is Goods
Burt Sarver

PS: If you know of organizations that would be interested in joining our effort or
have questions, please call me. (360) 890-1141

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