Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

OPOP Releasing Friend News

Our OPOP (One Parish, One Prisoner) releasing friend, Shawnna, has been moved out of Gig Harbor correctional facility and into a transitional facility in Spokane a few weeks ago. There she is learning skills and gaining tools to help her reintegrate into society.

Shawnna is working hard on the different programs and classes she is taking, and reports that she is getting a lot out of the classes. She anticipates leaving the Spokane facility at the end of August. At that point she will move into local area transitional housing closer to her family, FUMCO and the FUMCO OPOP team, prior to her complete release from WA Department of Corrections in October.

The FUMCO OPOP team has been using this time to build a relationship with Shawnna through letters, emails and phone calls. She is very articulate and grateful for all of us. She is open and talkative and looks forward to meeting all of us in person. Please pray for strength, patience, and wisdom for Shawnna as she begins her journey out of custody and into her new life.

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