Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Madison Elementary Supply Fundraiser

Our church has a decades long relationship with the elementary school across the street. As Methodists, we are committed to making quality education accessible so that the children of our neighborhood can thrive. More than 50% of the children who attend Madison are living in poverty, which makes purchasing school supplies an added financial burden.

One way we show our love for the school is through our annual summer fundraiser. Each year we “adopt a grade” and provide the funding needed so that when the children come to school their supplies are provided for them. We are in year 9 of this effort and we are supporting 2nd grade for the 2023-2024 year. This year we are hoping to raise $1750 for supplies. Anything above this number will be given to the school to fill supply gaps for other grades. You can give online by selecting “Madison Elementary” from the drop down menu or put those words in the memo line of your check or cash donation.

Another way we’re hoping to support Madison is by bringing together a group of volunteers who would like to share their time and talent in various ways this school year. This could look like being a “reading buddy,” to being with children at recess, planning a service-learning activity, attending school board meetings and more. There are options for all types of availability. To learn more about this opportunity please contact Angelina Goldwell or Pastor Heather.

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