Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

A Message From Interfaith Works

Recently the City of Olympia contracted a consulting company, Truclusion, to set up and conduct a survey to assess Olympia residents’ experiences of discrimination. The goal is to gather data to help the city better understand how discrimination impacts people in Olympia and help identify what kinds of interventions might be most effective. The people at Truclusion worked really hard to ensure that the survey is available in the 4 common languages spoken in Olympia, and it is now up and running!

For easy reference, the website can be found:

The questionnaire will take 3-12 minutes to complete. If you elect to participate in an interview, your participation may last up to 30 minutes. Those who FULLY complete this survey will be placed in a raffle for a $1,000 VISA Gift Card and other cash prizes. You need to be 18 years or older, and have visited Olympia in the past year to be eligible.

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