Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Affinity Nights - LGBTQ Inclusion Class

FUMCO is a Reconciling congregation, meaning we affirm and include LGBTQ people into the whole life of our church. This fact continues to draw in many people, as a non-negotiable feature of the faith community they seek. Our church went through this process not in spite of what the Bible says, but because of it.

If you love God and the Bible, love LGBTQ people as well, and want to know about how we interpret the Bible with that spirit of love, we invite you to join Pastor Alexa for "The Biblical Case for LGBTQ Inclusion: Sexual Orientation."

This Spring, on Wednesday (Affinity!) Nights, we will be guided by Matthew Vines, the Executive Director of The Reformation Project through a series of videos, and Pastor Alexa will facilitate conversation and further study.

You can watch a trailer for this study here:

(LGBTQ inclusion is not limited to sexual orientation, of course, so, in the fall, we will continue this study looking at Gender. We'll keep you posted!)

When: Wednesdays 4/19 - 6/7
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