Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

A Message from Pastor Heather

What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? I can never choose between pie, mashed potatoes, and rolls slathered with melting butter. Recently, sweet potatoes are a new favorite, ranking higher than they used to after my mother-in-law found a recipe that cooks the yams with lemons to add a bright, citrusy flavor.

Whatever your favorite Thanksgiving tradition is, Happy Thanksgiving! This year I find myself counting my blessings more than usual.  Maybe it is because we are able to afford to put a Thanksgiving meal on our table and I am aware of how many families will struggle to do that this year. Perhaps the last few months of helping people through the LEAF (Local Emergency Assistance Fund) has reminded me that having heat, a roof over my head, and water is not to be taken for granted. Whatever the reason, my focus this year is more on gratitude and less on the menu.

One of my top thanksgivings this year is for this congregation. As we walked through our stewardship campaign, Tender Mercies, I became more and more aware of the tender mercies this church shares with the larger community and world. People are warmer, drier, safer, welcomed, fed, loved, and cared for because of this congregation.  You make a tangible difference in the world and you inspire me. 

I want to thank everyone who turned in your pledge card on Nov 20 at church. Your commitment to the future of this church is a promise to God that we will keep showing up to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. Without the time, talents, and gifts of the people of this church, our community would be a less loving place. 

If you have not turned in your pledge card, there is still time. You can get a paper copy from the church office or click here for a digital copy.  Whether you can give a lot or a little, every gift makes a difference and is received with gratitude.

I pray that whatever you are doing for Thanksgiving, you will have an opportunity to count your blessings.  I know that when I do, you will be one of them!

May God bless you and keep you,
Pastor Heather

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