Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Affinity Group Update!

Since September 18 a number of you have taken the time to fill out an Affinity Groups interest form - thank you! If you haven't had a chance yet, you can do it here: Affinity Group Interest Form. Based on the responses I wanted to provide our church family with an update so you can know what to expect in the coming months. In the forms we asked folks to indicate their desire to connect with others around spirituality, service or a mutual interest.

Spirituality (Bible studies, spiritual practices, etc.):
You can anticipate one (or more!) ways to connect with others and grow in your faith in early 2023. Until then I invite you to consider joining Morning Prayer with this Zoom Link at 9am on weekdays. 

Service (volunteering together in the community):

We have a number of service groups existing within our church family. Many of the folks who filled out an Affinity Group form are being connected with those groups. If you would like to serve with others contact the church office or keep your eye on the e-newsletter. 

Mutual interests (board games, going out and about, etc.) 
Keep your eye on the e-newsletter for some upcoming opportunities in December! 

Looking Ahead to 2023: Affinity Nights 
Based on the level of interest in a number of possible Affinity groups, I hope you'll save the date(s) for Affinity Nights!

Beginning on Wednesday January 25, 2023 and lasting for four Wednesday evenings (6-8pm) Affinity Nights is an excellent way to get connected! Each evening will begin with a potluck supper and then folks will choose to spend time in a group that interests them. You could try a different group each week! At the end of the four weeks, folks can decide if, when & how they would like to keep meeting around their affinity. It's going to be so much fun! Keep your eye on the e-newsletter for details in the new year.

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