Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Madison School "Adopt a Grade" Fundraiser

Our church is proud of our long-standing relationship with Madison Elementary School across the street. Over the decades we have committed to supporting the students and staff so that all may have what they need to thrive. Seven years ago, we joined the "Adopt a Grade" program and gathered all of the school supplies for 50+ kindergarten students. We supported that cohort of students for their entire six years at Madison - other local organizations did the same for all the other grades. By providing all supplies for students regardless of financial need, the school found that parents who could afford school supplies instead donated that money to the school's general fund, to classroom enhancements and increased volunteerism at school events. For those who would have struggled to provide supplies - they were able to use that money instead on other school necessities like clothing and shoes.

Last year we adopted a new kindergarten cohort, and those children will be entering first grade this September. In response to the pandemic, as well as to the knowledge that the school can bulk-order supplies for a fraction of the cost of individual donors, we transitioned to raising funds. Whether it is supplies or money, our gifts reveal God's love and let the children of our community know that they are beloved.  

To support our 50+ first graders this year we are seeking to raise $1000 by August 18. Any money raised over and above the target amount will be given to the school for use by the teachers and school staff for needs that arise during the year. You can write a check to the church and put "Madison Elementary" in the memo line or give on the website by selecting "Madison Elementary Fundraiser" in the Giving drop down menu. If you would like to volunteer your time and talent at Madison as a Reading Buddy or classroom support, you can contact the school office at (360) 596-6300.

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