Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

One Parish One Prisoner Welcome Home Fundraiser

Since January, our church’s One Parish One Prisoner team has been faithfully communicating with Michael, our incarcerated friend. Through letters and emails we have been learning about ourselves, each other, and Michael. We have also been learning about the unique barriers incarcerated people face when they leave prison. Michael will be released in August, which means it is now time for the OPOP team to begin preparing for his release date. For the first few months after his release, Michael will need help providing for his basic needs: housing, food, clothing, insurance, etc. We need your help! This Sunday (May 15) OPOP is launching a Welcome Home Fundraiser. Through June 12 we will be sharing about Michael and this unique ministry in worship, in the Courier, on our website, and on our social media platforms. Our goal is to raise $2500 as well as assemble a Welcome Home Basket for Michael with basic household goods to get him started. We will have more details to share on Sunday, as well as here in the Courier, so keep checking back for more information.

Incarcerated people often refer to their release date as the scariest day of their lives, when they leave the relative stability of prison for the uncertainty of life after prison. This fundraiser is an opportunity for our entire church family to extend the hand of welcome to Michael and let him know how loved and supported he is as he prepares to be released in August. We are so excited to introduce Michael and share this ministry with you!

See you on Sunday,
The OPOP Team: Barbara, Dave, Sue, Mark, Doug, Alyson, Pastor Heather, and Pastor Amanda

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