Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Prayer for Camp

This coming week two of our Olympia youth, Marina and Tai, will be at Ocean Park Camp. Ocean Park is one of four wonderful camps around the PNW that hosts our children and youth camps in the summer and retreats for all ages in the other seasons. Our multimedia coordinator, Lauren, will be giving the gift of her time and talent as a small group leader the same week. Kai, one of our college youth, is working at Ocean Park this summer as well.

"God of sunshine, warm days and cool nights. God of ocean breezes, stargazing and campfires, be with Marina, Tai, Lauren, Kai and all of the campers and staff at Ocean Park this coming week and throughout the summer. May their time be filled with good fun, good friendships and connection to you and their identity as your beloved children. Amen." 

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