Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Capital City Pride is THIS Saturday!

We are so excited to go and share God's love at Capital Pride this Saturday! We have a dozen people signed up to march. If you'd like to join your church family at the march then please meet Pastor Alexa at the Capitol, specifically at Tivoli Fountain on Saturday around 9:30am where we'll await further instructions from the march organizers. You can read all of the details here.

In collaboration with the organizer's requests to not utilize branding or corporate signage we will not be carrying the church banner (it will be with the booth) but you are welcome to bring homemade signs!

Can't march? Come stop by the booth and say hello! Fellow members of your church family will be hosting an awesome booth at the Port of Olympia from 11:30-6:30pm. Your prayers for a wonderful, loving and safe event and sincerely appreciated.

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