Sunday Worship In-person and Streamed Online at 10am

Affinity Nights Are Almost Here!

Affinity Nights start next Wednesday! Come at 6pm for a tasty potluck dinner (please bring a side or dessert) and good conversation with your church family! Then you can check out one of five groups: play board games, Bible study, needle arts, gentle yoga or baking for the Community Kitchen.

Hope to see you there! Sign ups welcome but not required:

In addition, there are two opportunities to serve our neighbors! We’ll be making “blessing bags” for our houseless neighbors on 2/1 and for the 20 school counselors and social workers in our area on 2/8.
You can drop off your donations to Angelina on Sundays or bring them with you to Affinity Nights. We’d welcome donations of: gloves, granola bars, bandaids, cough drops, tea/hot drink mixes, bath bombs/bath salts, and hand lotion. 

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